Gottlieb Domino great roto-target game featuring 2
kickout holes 6 brand new bulls eye targets a new fan target, brand
new flippers and pop bumpers. Fast playing game from 1968. Cute as
can be artwork with hippies playing guitars and dominos. I’m
guessing no hand held devices, video games or cell phones way back
in 1968 so why not dominos?
Our Domino has a new perfect art glass very nice all original
playfield and nice cabinet with some well done light touch ups.
Fun gameplay as you try to advance the lights on the dominos to
the end of the line to light the Specials. Once that goal is reached
the Specials remain on until the end of the game!
This is the first Domino we at Pinrescue have saved and we are
all enjoying it’s unique charms.
1968 was a turning point in U.S. history, a year of
triumphs and tragedies, social and political upheavals, that forever
changed our country. The idyllic playful theme of this Gottlieb
pinball machine was a serene peaceful change from the reality of the
Fun Features:
- Roto-Target a Gottlieb exclusive
- Two kick our holes that light for Specials
- Four Pop Bumpers
- Six Bulls Eye targets
- One Fan Target
- End of game match
Pinrescue has safely shipped all over the USA. Due to shipping
industry cost increases, over which we have no control, our shipping
price will begin at $750. Please contact Pinrescue at (215)
354-0906 for more shipping detail.
Price $3500 -sold-Metamora, MI Questions? pinrescue@comcast.net or
call us 215 354 0906 Russ and Stacy
Click to enlarge
