Pinball game testimonials
from our customers
Click here for our Pinball Collector Register
Once again Pinrescue is very proud to help supply the
Professional Amateur Pinball Association with vintage pinball
machines for the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008
Greatest pinball tournament ever held anywhere. .
We at Pinrescue admire are amazed and respect the tremendous job
everyone there has done rebuilding after the 2004 flood.

Please visit for information on the 2008 games and pictures of
some of the 300+ Classic to modern pinball machines set up in a
totally renovated facility. Pictured above is just a tiny portion of
the vintage pinball machines available for play in this year’s
Some recent customer testimonialsRuss,
Thanks so much for your recent assistance on
my Spirt Of 1776 Gotlieb machine. You willingness to walk me through
possible corrections to issues makes me always remind myself of how
glad I am that I purchased my machine from you. These classic machines
have many moving parts and you seem to know every one of them.
Steve Gottlieb Spirit of 76 November 2024
morning Russ,
Jungle King was delivered yesterday morning, in
good condition. You did an excellent restoration job!
JK was
definitely one of my favorite machines to play almost 50 years ago!
LOL - I've lost my knack of playing, but had one great play with many
free balls, and rolled it over 100,000 points! 100423 jungle
Thank you so much! Gay
Hi Russ, Got delivered to my daughter and
family in San Jose today. They have been playing it all afternoon. My
son in law told me the man that delivered it is a real pin ball fan
and said there is some sort of pinball museum in San Jose. So we are
going to try to check it out next time we visit down there. Anyway
thank you so much for getting them a great machine. I know they will
really enjoy it. The 2 girls are already competing to see who can get
the best score. Good fun.
thanks again Kirk - Jacks Open
August 2023 (Kirk has many restored Gottlieb’s now his grandkids
are playing)
Hi Russ, My daughter and her family have been
playing the machines I got from you since I first got them years ago.
She and her husband have 2 daughters that are 10 and 12 that are both
good players. They have decided they want to get a machine. I
volunteered to contact you and see what you would recommend. They are
not in a huge hurry and could wait if you think it might be best to
wait for you to get in the right machine. Of course if you have
something available now you would suggest that is good too. We will
appreciate your advice. thanks - Kirk B May 2023
We have been enjoying our Sure Shot machine for
about a month now,and want to thank Pinrescue for all they have done.
It was a pleasure working with them and we will continue to do so I
the future. Thanks again.
Joe & Cynthia Runia August 2022
Russ, My family is loving the 1973 Big Shot.
Thanks for what you do! I'm still dying to get my hands on a 1957
Royal Flush; but in the mean time, please let me know if you have
anything coming available from 1966 (the year I was born).
Thanks, Gerard Darby (June 2022)I
heard from my son and his family that Quick
Draw is up and running, and they have been playing it all morning.
Many, many thanks for making the delivery. I'm sorry you had to make
the trip in the rain, although maybe the weather kept some of the
Sunday drivers and beach traffic off the road. (Wishful thinking?)
I'll always count it a lucky day when I first made contact
with you and pinrescue. Nice to know there are still some highly
professional and good people around.
Be well. Jim (June
and Stacy - I just want to say thank you and let you know that my
experience with Pinrescue could not have been any better. If, down the
road, I am ever in the market to buy a pinball machine Pinrescue is
where I will go.
Cheers, Steve Lake Gaston, NC
Russ I got my machine today and I’m having a blast with it. I am
not getting much work done because my partner and I have been playing
pinball all day. I guess we can get back to work tomorrow. Anyway I
was curious since we are in electrical contractor do you happen to
know anyone who sells re-prints of the schematics for these machines I
thought it would be cool to get one and frame it and hang it on the
wall. -1976 Card Whiz
to get into our time machine and zoom back to the 1970's! The era of
bell bottom pants and lava lamps.....
I have been playing pinball since the early
1970s. To me, there is no substitute for the beauty and simplicity of
those Gottlieb EM machines! Give me one of these over the new machines
with all their sounds and toys.
But -----my BIG concern was ---could I MAINTAIN
one of these legendary pinball machines? I live in a remote area of
the mountains and I don't have nearby local support. I was just
about to give up on this dream when I ran across Pinrescue's website
---and learned what a great job Russ and Stacy do in restoring these
classics. When you look under the "hood", it is clean enough to eat
off of. You can see that they have meticulously have gone through
every switch, every stepper unit, the scoring motor, scoring reels,
etc. It looks and plays just like it did in 1975!
You may be
able to find a lower price somewhere on the internet ---but you
certainly won't find a better machine and one that has been restored
to near new levels like they do at pinrescue. You can just tell that
they take restoration of each machine personally.
The machine
I wanted was Quick Draw/Fast Draw from 1975. Russ found me one and the
rest is history.
He delivered it to my home and walked me
through the machine and answered all of my questions. It left me
feeling like i have the best EM anywhere. This machine rekindles many
fond memories from my childhood.
I had a pinball tournament
this weekend at my house with some visitors and the new Quick Draw was
clearly the favorite machine of the group.
In summary ----if
you want an EM machine and want to take a trip down memory lane
---Russ and Stacy are the folks to deal with. You may have to wait a
bit if you want a certain machine (like I did), but the wait is worth
it when you get your AWESOME EM for your home. --Damone S
I bought an Abra Cadabra from you back in 2014.
I love it. If you can find a Top Card and/ or a Super spin Or Jet Spin
I would buy them from you. Wouldn’t have to be in mint condition.
(Super Spin has a cooler back glass than Jet Spin.) --Mark Olson.
June 2021
Dear Russ and Stacy
2001 arrived at
Dubai airport on january 1 at 3 am. what a new year gift. It reached
my home yesterday night. I played a few games with it. it plays
beautifully. I LOVE IT.
I know it was not easy to prepare all
the export documentation and requirements thank you Stacy for your
help. I modeled the basement as a Diner to house the EM's I bought
from you Russ.

Playing them brings me much joy over and over again.they definitely
enriched my life and my family's life. thank you for that.
Happy New Year
sincerely Oussama
Hello Russ and Stacy, The Bronco arrived
yesterday and we are so happy to have it in our new home. Thank you
for everything. It has been a pleasure doing business with you both.
By the way, you should have seen my grandsons face when he saw that it
was a Gottlieb. Priceless!.
Thanks again, ~ Larry July 4th
Hey Stacy and Russ, We received the
remarkable “King Rex” machine yesterday! What a treat! Unfortunately I
think I have lost my natural ability to play, however, I’m hopeful to
be back in good form in short order! I enjoyed playing more that I
thought I would!! Thanks for the coins!!! All the best… Paul
(rare 1970 King Rex June 2020 )
Hi Russ and Stacy: The "Spirit Of '76" machine is here, and it's
excellent. Everything seems intact, and considering it's from 1976,
it is cosmetically wonderful: you did a great restoration on it. I've
played three games so far and everything is functioning as it should.
It turns out the room I out it in is roomier than I thought, so I
might get another one from you someday, depending what shows up for
sale. I couldn't be happier with this machine! Thanks again! -- Ben
Brackett 1976 Spirit of 76 installed Jan. 2020
Russ, thank you again. The grandkids battled me to play
1 more game. The product worked very well but the kids dont
like losing HAHA. It is worth every penny but please do try
to find me "Slick Chick" thanks mucho. Gerry Fox November
2019 – 1972 Wild Life
Russ - Just wanted to let you know it got here safe and
sound. Put on the head, leveled it out, flipped the switch
and commenced playing. What an awesome experience and flash
back in time. Thanks so much for sorting it out and we will
all have a ball playing! All the best, Will Davenport (
super nice 1968 Doozie) August 2019
Hi Russ,
I know its been almost 5 years since we moved from the
east coast, but wanted to check in and say hello, and
hope you are doing well and business is still going
strong. I had to keep my machines in storage in my
garage until a little over a year ago when we turned a
storage room into my new mancave, but they have all been
working great since bringing them back out (knock wood).
Thought I would send a couple pictures along to show you
how good they all still look in the new room! Best,
Rick (Pinrescue customer since 2007)

For years on and off I would check out Russ’s web
page to admire Russ’s work. The beautiful and meticulously
restored machines always appeared second to none.
Well, I finally pulled the trigger and purchased a Gottlieb
Eldorado from Russ, site unseen, only for some high res pictures
that Russ sent me while I was in India on business.
On the day of delivery Russ personally delivered the
machine and set it up! Pictures did not do this Eldorado justice!
From the plastics, play field, cabinet to back glass this machine
looked almost brand new!
And most
importantly, playing this machine brought me back to the days of
going to the corner store to buy milk for my mom...only to come
back hours later after pumping all the change into that Eldorado
machine. The Eldorado played exactly as I remembered it many
decades ago.
Russ...”You are the man!”
Looking forward to purchasing additional pins from you!
Joe Gizzi
Bayonne, NJ (June 2019)
I am not one to write testimonials but I can't say enough about
Russ, his wife, Stacy, and Pinball Rescue. They are awesome!!!
Earlier this spring, we contacted Pinball Rescue to see if they
could fix three pinball machines which had sat unused in our basement
for more than 25 years, after sitting unused in my parents basement
for at least another 10 years. To put it simply, our machines were
"ripe for repair."
After sending digital photos back and
forth, Russ recommended that we restore two and scrap the third, as
it wasn't worth fixing.
When Russ came to pick up the
machines, it was like watching a master at work. There was no
question that he knew what he was doing and took great pride in his
work. We knew immediately that we were in good hands.
A few
weeks later, when Russ delivered our restored machines, we were blown
away. The machines looked like new - inside and out. Parts were
cleaned, replaced, repaired - whatever it took.
And when
there was a glitch with one of the machines two weeks later, Russ
talked us through the process by phone. Both my son and I were
stunned by how well Russ knew the inside of the machines and how he
could guide us from afar. Talk about expertise!
If we had
another pinball machine to repair, I would not hesitate to bring it
to Pinball Rescue. They are true professionals. Peter.
1974 Soccer 1975 Top Score
I am so thankful I stumbled upon Russ and
Pinrescue. It started when I saw a Royal Flush pinball
machine for sale on my local Craigslist. I spend many
hours playing this machine while I was in college in the
late 70’s. The Craigslist machine was in rough shape and
the seller said it needed a lot of work. Seeing this
machine caused me to do a google search for
electro-mechanical (EM) pinball machines and that’s when I
found the Pinrescue website. Russ and Stacy have developed
an awesome business model specializing in finding,
reconditioning, and selling EM pinball machines. It was
fascinating to read about all the old machines on the
website including my beloved Royal Flush. Pinrescue was
where I learned Gottlieb made a two player version of
Royal Flush called Card Whiz. Unfortunately, Russ did not
have either Royal Flush or Card Whiz currently for sale so
I sent an email to the Pinrescue site asking that I be
notified the next time they got one in. Russ emailed back
less than 24 hours later saying he would. About four weeks
later, Russ emailed back saying he had taken a nice Card
Whiz machine in on trade and I could have it after he went
through it to make sure it was working properly. I was
thrilled – first, that Russ actually followed through on
his earlier email saying he would let me know when he got
one in and second, that I would have an opportunity to
rekindle some fond memories from my youth!
While I was waiting for Russ to complete his work
on the Card Whiz machine, I decided to add a second
machine to my order and bought the Big Indian machine that
he had for sale. Both machines were delivered to Charlotte
yesterday and I couldn’t be happier. Russ is a great guy
who showed up on time and got both machines unloaded,
set-up and running in less than 45 mins. He then took the
time to walk me through some basic maintenance items on
the machines including how to remove the glass and back
panel to change burned out bulbs and adjust the tilt
mechanism. He even left me with 2 boxes of spare bulbs! I
feel 100% confident that Russ will provide whatever
customer support I might need in the future. As I matter
of fact, I am keeping an eye on any new machines Russ
offers for sale because I will likely add a third machine
to my game room sooner rather than later! If you are in
the market for a good running EM pinball machine, you
can’t go wrong buying from Russ and Pinrescue.
Mark Charlotte, NC (1976 Card Whiz 1973 Big Indian)
March 2019
Russ and Stacy, Sorry that it's been a
while since we emailed. King Pin has been a welcome addition and a
really popular attraction with our family and friends. I hope you
are doing well and look forward to another great year and hope you do
as well! Warmly, Cheung, Tamara and the boys (1973 King Pin)
February 2019
Hi Russ and Stacy, I just wanted to say thanks again and let you know the
vintage pinball machine was a big hit at the party! So
the timing worked great. My husband is so pleased and
the kids enjoy it thoroughly, too! We appreciate your
excellent service to deliver promptly and install by a
knowledgeable expert.
happy holidays to you both,
1974 Big Brave Dec 2018
Michčle & Serge
Hi Russ, Thanks again! We are really enjoying the Pioneer,
in fact, it's difficult to get any work done in the evenings :)
Happy Thanksgiving, Cindy & Gareth

Well, it's been 45 years since I played on a King Kool
but it seems like yesterday. I love it and am so very glad you found
it for me. Hours of fun ahead. Thanks Doug.
(Proud owner of a very nice 1972 King Kool) September 2018
Got it today:) So fun! Old school
Thanks! Michelle & Tim (August 2018 1971 Firecracker)

I have been doing business with Russ and
Stacy for over 10 years, and have bought more games
from Pinrescue than I can remember; right now I have
El Dorado, Gulfstream, Grand Slam, and Surfer.
During those years, Russ has provided the
utmost in quality, service, attention to detail,
passion, honesty, and reliability. There are very few
businesses who can delight their customers the way
Pinrescue can.
Russ is always
willing to go far beyond the normal call of duty for
any business; his only goal is to follow his passion
and guarantee that his customers are 110% satisfied.
Over the past 10 years, Russ has
driven 2 1/2 hours to replace my El Dorado playfield
on New Years Eve, driven through a hurricane on Labor
Day weekend to fix my Jungle Princess, and given me
very specific and accurate directions via email to fix
simple things myself whenever I need it, at any hour
of the day. He is always available, and always stands
behind the games he sells.
On top of everything
else, Russ and Stacy are a pleasure to
deal with. After you get to know them, you will think
of them as friends, not a business you are
patronizing. It's always fun when Russ comes
to service or deliver a game.
If you love
pinball, there is no reason to do business with
anybody else but Pinrescue.
Sincerely, Joe Arena
Russ, Thanks so much
Russ and Stacy!!
We’ve been playing pinball all day. The
funny thing is my wife Matilda got the high score on her first try!!!!
(December 2017 1976 Ship Ahoy)
click to enlarge:

Hi Russ, Jacks Open got a serious
workout this summer at our lake place from my kids, grandkids and
myself of course and performed flawlessly. I think some days it
was being played most of the day. Maybe a good thing it will get some
time off now that summer is over. Also thought you might enjoy
this. My 2 youngest granddaughters are 5 yrs. My daughter
lives is Bethesda Maryland and she and her family were recently at an
establishment that had a pinball machine. Her 5 yr. old is
actually quite good at pinball and apparently wowed a crowd at that
establishment. The proprietor wanted to know where she learned
to play. Pretty funny. And our other 3 machines are also
working just fine. Thank you so much. Kirk Oct 2017
(King Kool, Surfer, Jacks Open, El Dorado customer since
Had a chance to visit the Pinball Museum in
Las Vegas yesterday. It’s some guys personal collection housed in a
warehouse in an iffy section of Vegas. He must have 150-200 games,
mostly new machines but he had about 40 Ems, including Subway and Bank
a Ball. Had fun playing Atlantis, Abracadabra, Centigrade 37, Capt.
Card, Pop a Card, Central Park (really cool). Liked Domino and Spin a
Card a lot. The early games with the metal posts by the flippers were
a lot more fun than I imagined, keeps the game play interesting.
Made me realize what great condition my machines are in and what a
great job you did in restoring them. Most of these machines have seen
some hard play! Although no one there was playing them, all focused on
the 100+ new machines, which I really don’t care for. And I have to
say I have 2 of the most fun games to play! Anyway, just thought I
would pass that along. Hope all is well.
Doug (1966 Subway & 1965
Flipper Pool )
Russ, Still enjoy the Central Park and Rack-A-Ball
I got from you years back. Have a couple of young nephews that think
they are the greatest. Was wondering if you ever come across any bingo
machines. Would really like to see a Miss America,’(57, ‘75, Deluxe)
or most any of the Bally Magic Screens, Mystic Lines etc.. Keep
the past alive Clif (March 2016)
Russ & Stacy just wanted to say thanks,
Hurdy Gurdy is a great game, lots of fun and really well restored Mark
Dailey (March 2016)
I chose to order the first pinball machine from Pinrescue after
just talking to Russ on the phone , I was convinced he was a
specialized source for EM pins. The machine was prepared and sent
to me in Dubai very smoothly. I was concerned about after sale support
since I live so far away , however I was able to get all the
support I wanted and fast within the same day . This gave me the
confidence to order a second machine which I just received in Dubai.
Now I have two pins an Atlantis and an Eldorado . It is an
endless joy to play them. I might buy more EM pins in the future and
will definitely buy it from Russ. I found in Pinrescue the
professionalism and trust I was looking for.
Thanks Russ and
Sam Dubai September 29,2015
Thank you for sending the lock down bar. We received it
yesterday. Also wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying Big
Brave. Played until late on
Sat and my total score was 125,680. I kicked Bill's butt!
Thanks again for everything, Alicia (1973
Big Brave) September 2015Russ & Stacy, Sorry it took so long to write you. Sue and
I have been thoroughly enjoying Jacks Open since you delivered it to
us. We play it every day. It is a fantastic looking machine and
plays as good as it looks. You have a great attention for detail
and everything works as it did in 1976, when the machine was brand
new, maybe better. Your advice on maintaining and adjusting the
machine is always spot-on, and it is easy to tell that you know
electro-mechanical pinball machines inside and out and have a
passion for them.
It’s hard to put into words how much we are enjoying Jacks Open.
It is a challenging machine but very fun to play, with the drop
targets, and the “knock” is so satisfying. It takes me back to
summers in the 60’s and 70’s at the Kutztown Park playing pinball with
my friends all day long.
Thanks for Jacks Open and the excellent customer service. It was
great fun talking to you and Stacy when you delivered the machine,
swapping pinball stories from years ago. I look forward to our next
visit, when hopefully you will be delivering Bank-A-Ball to us. Thanks
again a super pinball machine and the memories that it brings back to
Sue & Ned Parkes
Russ and Stacy, It has been delivered. We
love it. Thanks you so much. Kirk (very nice 1977 Jacks Open)
Dear Russ, We all appreciate advancement in
technology but thankfully we have you to bring back "old school"
pinball !! If it wasn't for the internet we would have never found
you to bring back our high school memories. All the days spent
after school just playing for hours on end. I have purchased
and traded multiple machines with Russ and he has NEVER let us down.
Any problems we have had (which has only been 1) was resolved
immediately. If you looking for "old school" pinball Russ is your
man to deal with. We look forward to purchasing more machines
in the future from Pin Rescue. Thanks for the great service.
Vinny & Linda Marinucci Frederick, Maryland. (1975 Fast Draw,
1977 Jacks Open) May 2015
Dear Russ, Stacy and Annie,
It is with great pleasure that I recommend to
friends and enthusiasts seeking the highest
quality vintage pinball machines sales and
restoration services.
As an avid pinball fanatic for over 50 years,
I am resolute that the best pinball machines
were built in the "electro-mechanical" era.
This is the time frame before 1979, and
before computerized digital electronics, when
pinball machines had chimes and bells and
really beautiful artwork. And as anyone who
recalls these charming games from the 50's,
60's and early 70's will maintain, there was
that indescribable thrill when that silver
ball kept moving and hitting special targets
and the knocker would award new games with a
"pop-pop-pop" and your heart was racing and
you felt like King of the Hill....
Regrettably, pinball machines from the 80's to
current time frame are digital and clinical.
They just don't make 'em like they used to...
Those in the hobby, like me, long for the
"good old days," and fortunately, thanks to
Russ, Stacy and Annie Snyder of,
there is a place to buy expertly restored
vintage pinball machines.
It is wonderful to work with the Snyder family
and I am always appreciative of their on-going
service, advice and attention to detail.
Since I have started working with them, I
have grown my collection to ten machines.
They say pictures are worth a thousand words,
so I am enclosing pictures of my game room for
you to post on your site.
As noted, the final products are truly works
of art that our family will enjoy for many
years to come. I am happy to give the highest
endorsement and recommendation for as
a company who truly strives for customer
Joel Garblik
Greetings Russ and Stacy, Just a quick note to
wish you a great 4th of July weekend. Both Card Whiz and Bank Shot
are big hits and great additions to the “arcade”. Keep me posted on
the glass for Card Whiz and let me what you have in the pipeline.
Geoff July 2014
They say you "can't go back in time" and that there is "no fountain of
youth" but thanks to Russ and Stacy and Pinrescue they are wrong. I
thought all the thrills and excitement I felt as a teenager playing
pinball machines was lost forever and I spent a lot of time and money
on "Video Games" just trying to recreate those feelings but nothing
worked. But thanks to Russ and Stacy I have traveled back in time and
their Pinball Games are the "fountain of youth". Thanks to them I do
get to relive my youth everyday with all the thrills and excitement
that I thought I lost all those years ago. Yes it's true...."There
ain't nothing like the real thing baby"
Russ and Stacy I thank you from the bottom of my heart.......Gary V
Hi Russ and Stacy,
Hope this finds you well....been having the best, most frustrating
time :), playing my Big Brave. Love, love, love it. A friend of mine
was here today, and he loves it, too. I told him that if I can find a
Bow and Arrow, I would sell him my Big Brave, since I don't have room
for two machines):
Anyway, hope you are still keeping an eye out for one. Was wondering
if you have already gone to the pinball show, and if you saw one
there. Let me know, and be sure and keep me on the list for one.
Thanks, Karen Hultz (Idaho) June 2013
Hi Stacy- Just wanted you and Russ to know how positive I feel
about my experience with Pinrescue and how thrilled I am to have
taken the plunge and acquired my first pinball machine. I've
a feeling it won't be my last.
William F. Smith 1970
Flip a Card
Dear Russ,
Just wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying our Capt. Card
and Playball machines. You are the King of Customer Service, driving
10+ hours round trip to spend an hour or so fixing the Playball
machine. I saw on your website the award you've received for "Best
in Philly 2012". Congratulations and well deserved. Now I think we
need to nominate you here in Pittsburgh! It was a pleasure meeting
you and I'm sure that sometime in the future Joe will talk me into
another pinball machine and we'll be in touch. Whenever you are out
this way don't hesitate to stop and say hello.
Gloria and Joe Andrejcik
Dear Stacy - have been meaning to write to you - received the
game last Friday - looks great - very pleased, and the kids love
playing it also. Thank you for a smooth transaction - Best wishes -
Sincerely, Jonathan Graff (1975 Eldorado Aug 2012)
Hello, Russ and Stacy:
I've played about 40 games of "Funland" today - the day it arrived!
- and am totally hooked. Great game design, and just a very nice
restoration. All is working well, and if I have any questions at
all, I'll give a call. Consider me a satisfied customer.
Keith Newell
Spokane, WA
(really nice 1968 Funland )
Russ, Stacey and all the folks at Pinrescue.
I want to thank you very much for the outstanding service and
quality in the rebuild restoration of the Gottlieb Slick Chick
pinball machine.
I am so enthusiastic with its operation, I find it exciting to play
endlessly with her. The hours roll by as minutes.
I finally reached a score of 1326 with the five balls. The
sense and thrill of revisiting my youth is indescribable.
Today, I waxed the playfield, not that she needed it, to give her
the special care in this beautifully restored machine of the 1960’s
I am technical person and admire fine workmanship and the quality in
a well-built machine. As one knows “ Beauty is in the eyes of the
beholder” and a “thing of beauty is a thing forever” as they say.
Now my children and grandchildren will experience those happy days
and be able to put a smile on their faces as they enjoy the thrill
of this pinball machine.
All of this is possible, because you folks had decided to rescue
these electro-mechanical machines and restore them to their former
glory. Well done and my hat is off to all of you who made this
passion of mine come to realization.
My wife and I would love to visit you and say thank you in person
sometime in May
God bless all of you..
Peter Luciano
March 13, 2012
Pinrescue in Miami - Dior Event!
Russ and Stacy,
The event in Miami was a great success ! And the pinball looks very
good !
You will find pictures here :
We showed the pinball during a special night organized by the
creative director of Dior accessories. She is very into pinball,
have a look on her video :
This event was part of a pop-up store that we opened during Art
Basel for a special collaboration between german artist Anselm Reyle
and Dior. You can find a lot of articles about it on the web.
Warm regards,
Chargée de Projets Evčnementiels
Russ and Stacy,
I have been meaning to write you guys for a
long time! Sept. 30th, we had our rehearsal dinner for our wedding
and exchanged gifts. I had ordered online a t-shirt with the
Aquarius back glass on it, put it on, and took some pictures next to
the pinball machine. I wrapped the shirt and gave it to Steven. When
he opened it, the look on his face was awesome, I just gave you a
telescope, and you got me a t-shirt... Till he saw what the picture
was then he asked where I found it. I then gave him a card saying,
your wife to be just gave you a t-shirt, but wait, there's more! On
the inside were the pictures of me wearing the shirt next to the
pinball machine. He couldn't believe it!!! I then told him it was in
the spare bedroom marked no grooms allowed. He was floored! It was a
lovely gift that meant a lot to him. His family had the same game
growing up but the game was lost in a bad trade by one of his
brothers. He was surprised to say the least :-) Thank you guys so
much for helping me accomplish this wonderful marriage memory!Tiffany
Barnett ( aka Tiffany Heatherly :-) ) 1970 Aquarius
I just wanted to say it was a pleasure doing business with you. The
machine is wonderful (both of them actually) and I am looking
forward to sharing it with my family and friends. Thank you for what
you do, your hospitality, service and helping me out with the Kiss
machine. I hope we can continue to keep in touch and do business in
the future.
All the best, John (1972 Big Brave and 1979 KISS... August 2011)
Hello Russ,
The surprise turned out perfectly ! My husband couldn't be more
excited over his "new" pinball machine. He told us that now he has
something to help him relax. I hope it does , he has never had a
hobby, only work,work,work.
Thank you for keeping the past alive with your beautiful work !!!!!
With much gratitude,
Patty Lanier
June 10, 2011
Dear Russ and Stacy:

Just a note to let you know we
are in our new home and loving it. It took a while but we can say it
is pretty much done. Our travel to your fair city last September was
one of the best things we have done for our new home. We purchased
two machines from you and it fits our new rec room perfectly.
In fact we designed the rec room around your machines and our Pool
table. Everyone that stops by loves the two machines. They accent
each other in appearance and play. We could not have picked two
better machines. Sue and I play them almost everyday. Adults and
kids that stop by all want to play the machines. It's fantastic.
Thank you - Thank you - Thank you
Thanks again
Dave and Sue Aug 2010)
Just wanted to write a note of thanks for you making the road
trip out to Lancaster to visit one of your favorite machines--a
beautiful El Dorado that you fully restored to mint condition a few
years ago. The minor repair was much appreciated and she is back to
her old self.
As you know, that machine represents fond memories of my childhood
and I can't thank you enough for caring for it almost as much as I
Thanks again, Russ, you're the best!
Just wanted to let you know that everything seems to be working
great with the machines. No problems so far with Quick Draw, and
seems like the issues with the Card Whiz have been all fixed. We’re
getting lots of use (and fun) out of all 3 machines, so thanks for
everything. I’ll let you know when I’m brave enough to try and sneak
a 4th machine in there! Hope to see you soon.

Rick (1975 Quick Draw 1976 Sure Shot and Card Whiz)
Thank you for reconditioning my pinball Marble Queen .Playing
her brings back many pleasant memories of my brothers and I having
pinball tournaments in my parent's basement. I even have a document
dated March 1, 1960 that shows the vital statistics of every all the
games we played which includes every way to win a free game and the
amount of free games won. I have included a picture of the document
in this e-mail. I hope you can read it. I am going to frame it along
with the ad you gave me and hang it next to The Marble Queen. By the
way The Queen now has a predominant spot in my rec room. Thank your
friend for the ad of The Queen I have introduced a new
generation to pinball neither, of my grandkids knew what a pinball
game entailed. They just remember that the game was in the basement
gathering dust. Now I have a hard time prying them away from it.
They say they never realized how much fun a pinball game could be

Don’s restored 1953 Marble Queen’s stat sheet (what a fun nice
game …pinrescue)
Hey Russ:
9:54 PM we had completed the setup about an hour ago as I was doing
some maintenance on my old car - the bells, the popping the numbers
incrementing - feels like we are in the best carnival in the world
and its in my own basement! WE LOVE IT AND I LOVE IT TOO!
Will the kids ever get to sleep tonight? Not sure but alot of
jumping around / smiles and the WII is dead silent! NIIICCCEE
Much more later - You are a FANTASTIC human being - your
kindness has made this night (and many more to come) full of
I will write a great review and I stretched to buy this machine and
I bought it from the right person and very classy individual with a
GREAT amount of character and integrity.
From my heart -> THANK YOU!
Tommy (1976 Royal Flush thank you Tommy for the kind words....pinrescue)
Russ & Stacy- this is a long time coming but now
that I have been in my new house for a month I have had some time to
settle in and play the Spirit of '76 machine that you sold me. The
machine is functioning beautifully, in fact I don't ever remember it
playing so well all those years ago! The entire experience doing
business with you has been a pleasure. When I began my search for
the Spirit of '76, which was the only machine I had interest in, I
did not imagine that I would find a company like yours and had
serious doubt about even finding the machine. From finding the
machine for me, the incredible job restoring it and delivery to my
door, you have made it easy to take a step back in time and enjoy
something I had not had the chance to do in over 30 years. My wife
and daughter thought I may be a bit crazy but now that they have had
a chance to play they see the fun it provides and we enjoy it
together. I can't thank you enough and want to tell you that with
all of the people I do business with you have proven to be people
who are trustworthy, dependable, accessible and you provide a great
service! I will be spreading the word about Pinrescue to anyone I
know who may have interest. Take care and hopefully we'll see you
again soon- let me know if you make it back to Portsmouth and we'll
have you back to the house.
Russ and Stacey,
I just wanted to let you know that the machine arrived safe and
sound, it was a great surprise when I received word it would arrive
on Christmas Eve. The movers arrived at about eight in the morning,
and I was playing by eight-fifteen, I just wanted to thank you for
bringing back the way pinball was meant to be to me personally,
whenever I play, there is always a stream of colorful metaphores
that waft up from the basement, the sound of the bells, the " CRACK"
that comes from the right side of the cabinet when you clear the
score for a free game or when you drop the card that gives a free
game for the special, it took me back to the days growing up, I was
fortunate to have a couple of places to go play, it brought back
names like " Drop a Card" " Flying Carpet " " Big Shot" " Grand
Slam" the list could go on, Russ, you are a true credit to your
craft, and be hind every great man there is a woman, you go stacy,
again guy's, in the words of the King, " Thank You, Thank You very
Yours Truly,
Terry Murphy
Proud owner of " Sky Jump" Reconditioned by the
(I don't know about being a Master but I do know everyone at
pinrescue does their best to make these Gottlieb machines play like
new ..pinrescue)
Hi Stacy
Well the Surf Champ finally arrived yesterday and it looks great and
plays very well. There is one gate at the top (2nd from left) that
won't score, but otherwise seems to play perfectly. Nice to see it
on the calendar as well. Suddenly I'm back in high school. My 11
year old son and video game devotee said, 'wow this is really
(Who owns maybe the only 1976 Surf Champ in Omaha Ne.)
No wonder they called it Funland!!! It is
nothing but fun! Many thanks to you and Stacy for making a little
girls dream come true at 50 yrs old. Let me know when you get Drop a
Card and want to switch out with Surfer......But only for a little
while!! Got to go, I have games waiting for me. Hope your ride home
was safe and quick.
Thanks again (and Hi to Dr. Rob)
Chrissie !976 Surfer & 1969 Funland (Cape May NJ)
It arrived in good shape and it was used this past weekend for
approx 5 hours. Grandchildren and adults had great fun. Thanks
for your good service.
Jim Walker (1977 Jungle Queen)
Having a lot of fun with Quick Draw and Sure Shot. Thanks for the
seamless delivery.
I am still very much interested in a 1953 Gottlieb pinball machine
entitled " Poker Face". Please be on the lookout.
Ellis Cohn (Camden Me.)
Hello Russ,
As a child, I remember playing Big Hit on the
boardwalk in Sea Isle. When I found one years later, I just had to buy
it. Years of neglect had taken its toll, and the machine was in dire
need of repair. Enter Pinrescue. Within a week, Russ had my Big Hit
back to 1977 condition! I can't tell you how proud I was to introduce
pinball to my 3 small children, just as I remembered it. Russ has
since even sent me replacement rubber at no charge to keep my machine
playing just like it did back in 1977. I have recommended Pinrescue to
all of my friends and neighbors.
Chuck Dougherty (1977 Gottlieb's Big Hit)
Thanks for the eldorado. It is perfect. The kids came over Sunday and
we played the machine for hours. Loads of fun.
Bill Sasser (World Class but not perfect 1975 El Dorado ---pinrescue)
Hey Russ,
I just checked out your page. It looks like you've been
keeping very busy! I've had my pins for almost a year now and
wanted to tell you how much joy they've brought me. My
favorite is Card Whiz and that gets played pretty much every night.
Spin Out, Sky Jump, and Jumping Jack also get plenty of play.
I just wanted to tell you hi and let you know that I love my pins
that I bought from you!
I wanted to drop a line to express my thanks.
I have done business with the other pinball vendors, but quite
frankly, they shouldn’t even get out of bed in the morning. You are a
pleasure to deal with and a true professional.
Your attention to detail is obvious when you lift up the playfield and
see what looks to be a new bank of relays as well as a spotless
cabinet. The “other” vendors may polish the exterior, but lift up
their playfields and it look like an old cemetery!! You should know!
The 70’s Gottlieb’s that were used as trade-ins are a testament to
that. Cob-webs and dirty! I am confident you will have them
refurbished and operating the way they should in no time!
I am just tickled pink over World Fair and Gigi!! They are beautiful.
You’ve got me hooked on the 60’s Gottlieb Wedge-Heads.. Who knows? You
may just wrestle my Klondike away from me!!
I would wish you good luck, but you don’t need it… your work ethic and
labor of love in restoring old Electrical- Mechanical pinball machines
will bring you and your wife much success!
You have a loyal customer who appreciates your craftsmanship.
Yours truly,
David DiIenno
Newfield, New Jersey (1964 World fair 1963 GiGi)
A few overdue words of
praise for your work on the 2 pinball machines you serviced for me
(1960 Gottlieb Kewpie Doll and 1976 Bally Hang Glider).
Kewpie Doll
- Simply put, UNBELIEVEABLE!!! A machine that hasn't seen
electricity in over 18 years came to life because of your
wonderful work. The memories I had of playing her when I was
a kid were immediately brought back the moment I played it. What
was so great were all of the features that were working that, to
my memory, never worked before. What a joy it has been for
my entire family. I am looking forward to the moment when my
brothers and sisters get to play it themselves for the first
time in as many years.
Hang Glider
- What a fun machine. Once again your work exceeded all
expectations. She is playing flawlessly. The initial
problems that I called you about have been worked out and have not
reocurred. I am so impressed with your knowledge of the
machines and your ability to lead me to the potential contributors
over the phone or via e-mail. That is critical seeing how we
are 500 miles apart.
I enjoyed working and
doing business with you. The confidence that you displayed
while we discussed the restorations was very comforting to
me. Especially, with regard to Kewpie Doll as it had recently
become a significant part of my family. You also followed
through on your commitment to complete the work within a defined
time period.
I believe that I am
simply "echoing the accolades" of so many others that have come to
know you through Pinball.
In appreciation,
Greg Abell (1960 Gottlieb Kewpie Doll & 1976 Bally's Hang

The machine is working
great so far and I just recently banged out a new high score of
270,000+ (good enough to win nine games on score for just that
player). My next goal is to break 300,000, then after that, I have
to attempt to break 340,000 that I got on this machine when I had it
in the Woodbridge European Health Spa in 1975-76.
I still have room for
another machine. If you happen to find one that you think will
interest me, let me know.
Dave Corbin (The Westfield Leader)
Russ, below is a photo of King Pin in action.
The machine that has not
seen more than a few minutes of rest since 7:00 a.m. December 25. High
score so far: 89,920. I'm sure I'll roll it over ... if I ever get a
chance to play.
Thanks for the advice and the great repair and restoration. The game
plays flawlessly and beautifully. As my 11 year-old son said (perhaps
unintentionally flattering you and I), "I didn't know something so
old-fashioned could be so fun."
That alone was worth the price.
Ron Ladouceur
Hi Russ -
My dad purchased the Gold Strike from you and gave it to me as a
Christmas gift. It is unbelieveable, truly a piece of art. It looks
fantastic in my new little game room and plays perfectly. My wife and
I are having so much fun with it. It really has become addicting to
play. Thank you so much! I love the western theme pinball machines and
am glad that Gold Strike is the start of my collection. I may have
hooked my dad on vintage pinball machines too. I think he is looking
at the Pioneer that you have.
I am already trying to convince my wife we need to add to the
collection. How often do you come across Fast Draw? I think it would
compliment our Gold Strike and I like the idea of having one that 4
people can play.
Thank you again,
Spencer Marquardt (Fabulous 1975 Gottlieb’s “Gold Strike”)
Kansas City
Hot Shot is Working Like A
(Spirit of 76 & Hot Shot)
Its been a busy summer since I picked up my Buckaroo. I have to tell
you how much I have enjoyed playing it after you worked on it. It had
been in such rough shape after years of sitting idol you really made a
difference. I am sorry I did not write to you sooner but it has really
just been recently that I have been able to find time to play and
enjoy it. Russ, Thank you very much for a super job!! Hope to do
business with you again someday.
Don Moats 1965 Buckaroo
Thank you for your assistance today with helping my family and me in
selecting our first pinball machine. Your honesty and integrity are to
be commended. We are very excited and happy with our Sure Shot pinball
machine and look forward to many days and nights of pinball action.
Best regards,
Eric (1976 “Sure Shot”)
Hi Russ
Here's a few lines to let you know How much we are enjoying the
Gottlieb Extra inning machine you
restored for us. I found this machine in the basement of a house that
had been there more then 20 yr's. It had some issues to be sure. I
will continue to let everyone know about your excellent service (which
is why I drive over 300 miles). I'm hot on the trail of another
Jed (1971 Extra Inning Buffalo NY)
I had brought the 1975 Gottlieb's "Gold
Strike" to Russ at Pin Rescue about a month ago after discovering it
in the clean up of junk in a barn in upstate New York. It was so dirty
and forlorn looking in which it was almost tossed into the dumpster! I
was the one whom saved it as remembering
from my childhood days during the 1970's playing this particular
single player wedgehead cowboy theme "add a ball" pinball machine in
the bar next to the barn owned by a family relative and had it brought
to Russ after cleaning off the barn dust etc... He went over it
entirely and did an amazing job in turning the game from near dead to
factory new performance! It played strong and fast for an EM pinball
machine and am sure it played better than when it was new in the bar
back in 1975! I would recommend Russ to anyone for their EM machines!
If anyone has any questions regarding Pin
Rescue or the process my machine went through then please feel free to
me at
For those of you reading the testimonials on
and finding them hard to
believe, so did I. Well believe them! They are all true - and here is
my story:
Russ and Stacy worked on my Bally's "On
Beam"and brought a machine that wasn't played on for over 20 years
back to life. In fact it plays better now than when I remember playing
it before it was disassembled. During the "restore" process, Russ sent
me an E-Mail that put a knife in my heart. An integral part of a
motor/transmission gear peculiar to certain Bally machines
manufactured in the mid 60's was completely destroyed. Russ tried all
of his contacts and literally spent hours on line trying to find a
replacement for this transmission gear - all but to no avail. I
honestly believed my machine was destined to be taken apart and it
parts sold for salvage.
Russ then performed a miracle. He went the
extra mile and offered to remove this part from his brother's machine,
(making it inoperative), to fix mine and hope he would eventually find
a replacement for his brothers in the future. Turns out there was
another type of transmission mounted motor from a different Bally
setup which proved to work out just as good as the original would have
I write this because anyone else would have
walked away and no one could have blamed them for a gallant try. Russ
did not and would not! I believe a part of him dies with every pin he
cannot save. To paraphrase an advertising slogan from a major wine
company, "Russ let not let any pin "die before its time!" As far as I
am concerned, this man walks on water! Lastly, for those of you
fortunate to live within Russ's area of service, do not pass up his
service contract.
N.K. Seitz 1969 Bally's "On Beam
Everyone I do business with should be like
Russ and Stacy. The purchase was easy and fairly priced and the
subsequent service is phenomenal. 28 year old machinery gets
quirky...that's to be expected. The few problems I had until
they got it right was attended to immediately and with a smile.
Russ should give management classes on "doing the right thing for
customers" when he runs out of stock.
David Neufeld
I just wanted to sincerely thank you for all
the help, work, and support you have given me in the past year since
we met. To let everyone know, I have bought 2 machines from Russ
(Atlantis and Quick Draw). Both of these machines have given me
absolutely no trouble at all and they are played all the time, and
this is because Russ restored both of them. I recently had Russ go
over a Big Hit and Central Park that both had numerous issues, and he
was able to get both machines in perfect working order in less than 3
hours! He is truly the best at what he does, and what's more he
absolutely loves doing it. I live 7 hours from Russ and do not
hesitate to travel whenever needed to get his expertise on repairs. He
also has helped by phone on numerous occasions. The local people who
have bought from Russ are lucky to have the maintenance contract (what
a deal). Russ not only is a great pinball technician, but even though
I met him strictly through pinball, I am proud to call him my friend.
Jim Cain, Huntington, West Virginia (Quick Draw & Gottlieb Atlantis)
The Royal Guard is great! We play it all the time. You did a
wonderful job of cleaning it up and getting it working after it sat
unused for fifteen years. We were very impressed with the way you
picked it up and delivered it like it was your own baby. We also
appreciated your honesty and integrity throughout the transaction. We
highly recommend you. The sound it makes every time we turn it on
makes you feel like you're on the Boardwalk, "down the shore".
Joe Bagley (1968 Royal Guard)
Sinbad is down right awesome!!! Thank you
again for the great job you did. (and your wife) It's the best it has
played since I got it. Sinbad is fun to play again and BETTER!
Thanks for asking and maybe we can do business again in the future.
Now Judy would like to have a juke box that plays 45's.
Thanks again Bill. (rare 1978 Sinbad EM)
You have to be kidding me!!! I can't believe
what a great job you have done. The game looks brand new!! The paint
looks perfect! I'm really impressed.
Albert P. 1971 "Extra Inning"
Just a brief note to thank you again for your
superb job in restoring my Bally. It plays like new and takes me back
more than 55 years to the days when I played Ballys and Gottliebs in
our neighborhood candy store and in the arcades in Atlantic City.
Thanks again. Alan Molod (1975 Bally's Hokus Pokus)
Hi Russ,
Don't get nervous. Machine is still working
great. I just wanted to tell you (because you appreciate how hard this
is) that my son, Ben, just exceeded 100,000 for the first time, and
turned the dials back to zeros. Very exciting moment. Gary (1976 Card
Dear Russ,
Many thanks for delivering and setting up "Flicker" at our house. As
always your service call was prompt, efficient , friendly and
informative. The game looks great and plays great, just as "Sure Shot"
did before it. You did a wonderful job on the restoration, and it's
hard to believe a game this old can still feel so new. A work of art
that plays like a toy - what could be better? The only tricky part is
getting in a game for ourselves once our friends have spotted it!
Best regards,
Ted & Melinda Tally
Hi Russ
I received my Paul Bunyan Pinball a week ago today. Just wanted to
tell you it look's and plays like a brand new machine. I am very
pleased with this purchase. I am sure me and my family will get many
years of enjoyment from it. I would also like to say it was a pleasure
doing business with you ,and talking to you on the phone. You didn't
give me the run around, and were very polite, also I appreciate the
way you worked with me until I could get the shipping lined up.
I'm sure all of your customers feel the same way I do. Thanks again
Russ. You might be hearing from me again soon.
Wayne Smith
Dover, TN. 37058
Wow, pinball service extraordinaire! I found
Russ on the internet and went to his home not knowing what to expect…
super selection of the older machines. Russ is a pinball wizard. He
was “possessed” by the pinball spirit!. I bought two machines Jungle
princess and Big Deal. He delivered them promptly and set up a breeze.
He even educated me on the simpler things in case of mechanical
malfunction. Two weeks after purchase a rubber flipper snapped… I have
the service contract… he was out at our home within 2 hours!! And
saved the day as my 2 kids and the 3 cousins would have been
devastated. They have been playing practically non stop!! So, if its
older machines you are looking for…you have found the man! He truly is
the Pinball wizard!
Sincerely, Stephen Somkuti