William’s “Heat Wave” Classic animated (thermometer rises in
backglass) very early drop target pinball machine with wonderful
bygone era art work. Freshly restored in late February 2020. Heat
Wave is one of the very best from William’s in their long history of
making pinball machines. Game play: you try to raise the temperature
from Frigid to Blow Your Top on the MINT BRAND NEW art glass. Hit the
moving targets or shoot for the drop target to win big points or a
special on the near mint original playfield. The restored to original
cabinet will be a compliment to any cool game room. Dads & Grand Dads
should note that vintage pinball is now Mom approved since Restoration
Hardware started selling restored pinball machines.
Interest in vintage pinball is at an all-time high. Ten new
pinball manufacturers have sprung up in the last decade. The average
price of a brand new pinball machine is over $6,000 with “limited
edition” models running well over $20,000. That makes owning a
vintage pinball machine seem reasonable.
These vintage pinball machines from the mid 1960’s are
becoming hot collectables. Pinrescue has spent all this warm winter
(here in the North East) getting quality machines like this Heat Wave
ready for sale. The restoration was completed in late February 2020.
Time marches on. Some of the actors born in 1964 the year this Heat
Wave was brand new include Nicholas Cage, Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock
and my favorite actress Marisa Tomei. Marisa won the Academy Award
for Best Supporting Actress in “My Cousin Vinny” as Mona Lisa Vito…go
rent it!
Great Heat Wave graphics like ice cream sundaes and cones are
all over this classic pinball machine with these nice features :
· Animation unit raises the Temperature
· 5 brand new pop bumpers with beautiful original caps
· 2 rebuilt flippers · 2 moving lollypop targets
reset the drop target · Specials for lighting Blow Your Top
· End of game match
Machines like Heat Wave were fixtures in arcades and
boardwalks across America back in the day. Just as much fun in your
home now. Dad this is a game you can actually beat your kids or the
grand kids playing. Way cooler than any Wii or video game.
Price $4,000 sold Newark DE installed ready to play in your
home Questions: pinrescue@comcast.net
or call Russ 215 354
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