Bally’s “Op Pop Pop” Single player Artist/Hippie
themed pinball machine. Fully restored (early May 2013) a pun on
Jackson Pollock modern “Drip Art”. Love it or hate it art work
Pinrescue liked it enough to spend over 100 hours in the
restoration. The year Op Pop Pop rolled out of the Chicago factory
some of the top movies were Rosemary’s Baby, Bullit and The Love Bug
don’t wait another 30 years to get that pinball machine you have
always wanted. We have real trouble keeping nicely restore vintage
pinball machines on our webpage, quality machines like this Op Pop
Pop find a happy home quickly!
Early Zipper Flipper game when you hit the mushroom bumper the
flippers snap together rebuilt with all new parts and it works
10 rollover buttons (5 100 point and 5 10 point)
5 Mushroom bumpers
1 “paint brush” bonus hole score up to 500 points
10 point to 500 points side lane bonus
Win same player shoots again for longer games in your home
Win credits for high scores and end of game match
Very nice all round condition 45 year old pinball machine before we
restored it May 2013, Great original art glass and playfield
faithfully restored cabinet it looks great.
Pinrescue has shipped all over we can get this Op Pop Pop installed
in your home on legs ready to plug in and play vintage pre 1977
pinball is all we do. This cute machine could work in your game
Price $5000
-Sold-Spokane Valley, WA installed in your home. Questions
? pinrescue@comcast.net
Click to enlarge