Gottlieb's "Snow Derby" rare
two player pinball machine one of the last to have small 1960's
style flippers the very first machine to have a countdown end of ball
bonus. Sister machine to the 4 player Snow Queen.
Beautiful all round condition mint
backglass, nice playfield and restored to original cabinet (completed
June 2014) this is a fun pinball machine. As clean as can be inside
and out. During 1970 the year this nice pinball machine was new
"the Beatles" introduced their last album "Let it Be". Don't wait
another 40 years for a classy vintage pinball machine they may all be
Features include:
kick out holes
Always open ball return to shooter lane
Count down bonus.
Perfect pinball machine for the
mountain home or ski chalet.
Pinrescue only works on 1950's
60's & 70's pinball machines we love what we do and it shows in
our work. Snow derby plays same as it did in 1970 44 long years ago.
Price $3995 sold
- Midland, MI inside, fully
insured shipping runs $500 just about anywhere in the USA
Questions? pinrescue@comcast.net
or call russ 215
354 0906
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