Gottlieb's "Strange World" Very rare single player wedgehead
machine with a science fiction theme. Beautiful all round condition
with a new (perfect) never used original art glass installed,
excellent playfield and very nice original cabinet with few scuffs
and little fade. The handful of these machines Pinrescue has ever
seen seem to always have lots of fade in the pinks on the cabinet.
Not this fine example the colors are good with a few professional
touch ups. This is the only Strange World pinrescue has had the
pleasure of restoring (completed April 2011) and every chance once
this one is sold the next one will not be as nice. Game play similar
to Gottlieb's 1971 "4 Square" only on Strange World once you have
completed any series of one thru four it lights the Special and once
you make all the ones twos threes and fours every target and
rollover is worth 5,000 big points! It also has the desirable over
the top 100,000 scoring. The mint original art glass features lots
of strange creatures, funny looking mushrooms, a bizarre Viking ship
and of course great looking space age guys and girls. Love it or
hate it vivid Peter Max style artwork.
Fine features found on Strange World:
- 3 rebuilt pop bumpers (snappy fast and powerful)
- 2 brand new Flippers
- 7 rollovers
- 7 targets
- 1 kick out hole lights for Specials
- 1 star roll over
- 100,000 scoring
- end of game match
Movies you might remember from 1978 when this machine was new.
Grease, Superman and Animal House were 1,2,3 at the box office.
Don't wait another 3 decades to get a vintage pinball machine they
may all be gone.
For a short video of our shop
click here to see some other fine Gottlieb machines
Pinrescue has safely shipped all over the USA flat rate $400 inside
installed in your game room ready to play
Price $3500 (sold
Franklin TN)
Click to enlarge