Baseball- 1974 “World Series” Unique upright pitch and bat
for 2 players loaded with neat baseball features like: Select a
pitch curve, straight or slider. Double upper decks bleacher home
runs and score board targets that award a free game.
Early sound board hear the crowds cheers and whistles when you
hit one out of the park. “World Series” has a smaller footprint then
most pitch and bat machines 44” deep 29” wide and 70” tall.
Panoramic view of the playfield on “World Series” really makes you
feel like you are part of the game. Vintage pinball and pitch and
bats are more fun then any computer game. All American build quality
that the Chinese, Germans and Japanese can’t match.
Good original cosmetic condition and mechanically rebuilt (Oct
2010) ready for your gameroom.
In baseball on April 8 1974 Hank Aaron hit home run number 715
breaking Babe Ruth’s long time record of 714.
Pinrecue has safely shipped all over the USA inside insured
installation runs $400 ready to play.
Price $2700 Questions
pinrescue@comcast.net or russ 215 354 0906 Click to enlarge