Baseball- 1969 “Yankee” baseball
Nice baseball pitch and bat for 2 players with all the features
you remember extra long games as if you spell YANKEE it subtracts an
out . Three pitch selection straight, curve and slider, home run
ramps and three bleach home runs make all three to subtract an out.
Nice condition all round with a nicely repainted cabinet rebuilt
(Oct 2010) for a long happy life in your gameroom. These Chicago
Coin machines were built with a quality the Germans, Chinese and
Japanese can’t touch. So much more fun then any computer games. Mom
and Dad this is a game you can beat the kids playing. In baseball
1969 was the year of the Amazing Mets (sorry Yankee fans) don’t wait
another 4 decades for a pitch and bat they may all be gone.
Sharp looking machine with the fresh cabinet paint could work in
any baseball themed room or any cool gameroom.
Our price includes insured inside installation in your home ready to
play. Local to NYC to Washington DC installation and one year
warrantee is included in the price.
Price $3900 Questions?
pinrescue@comcast.net or call russ 215 354 0906